Lunchtime Lounger

Recently I have been experimenting with Spotify things for a future project and figured it was about time I made a Spotify spin-off of Friday Lunchtime Playlist. Lunchtime lounger will be an evolving playlist, regularly updated with tracks I find on my web wanderings. Who knows, it may even double my listenership.

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Simple IP Access Control

I just wrote this very simple IP access control script, and thought I would share it as it’s handy to put in front of sites you are working on but don’t really want others to see. It’s really not very sophisticated, that is intentional, it’s just designed to hide a work in progress site with something like a splash screen but allows people to grant themselves access to see the site in progress (if they know the required url to grant themselves access).

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PHP Enforce Errors

When debugging code I always want to force PHP to display all the errors, including any warnings so I can make sure my code isn’t doing anything unexpected. Its something I do so often that I should know the two lines of code off the top of my head. If I really thought about it I probably do but sadly Google + Copy / Paste is actually quicker than typing it out. So as much for my own benefit as anyone elses, here are the two lines of code I use over and over:

ini_set('display_errors', '1');

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